Monday, 1 May 2017

Cascade de Baumicou

I went on three walks today because one was only down the road and two were right next to each other.
The first one was Cascade de Baumicou. It was in a small old village in a hilly or small mountainous area. Actually saw a snail for the first time. I've spent 3 months here over the last year and never saw a snail. Wonder why.
I came to this bit that was like a large limestone pavement. Some parts looked almost like concrete. There were no grikes like you'd usually find but there were these weird lumps.

It eventually lead to the edge of a cliff.  Might not even be me of course, because i'm not sticking my arms out. That's the only way to be sure.
There's me standing on the edge contemplating the futility of my existence.
The path lead down a valley to Cascade de Baumicou. It rained pretty heavily last night and i was expecting it to be a bit more Baumin than that but oh well.

You can't see my face but this ones clearly me.

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