Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Saint Guilheim Le Désert

Today i thought i was going to a medieval village with 300m of underground tunnels. Charged my head torch ready. When i got to the car park it said you had to pay. This is the first paying car park i've seen in France. They seem to be as rare as a free British car park. I didn't have any coins for a ticket, so just put a biscuit wrapper on the dashboard and hoped the ticket guy would think it's a ticket.
The map was very unclear of where to go. It was only a short walk. Whoever made the map could have zoomed in and drew the route clearly, but instead they'd just left the map the same size and drawn a tiny squiggle. I set off the way i thought it was, my old friend, the steep and rocky path up the side of a mountain.
After about an hour of walking i was seeing no sign of medieval village so i read the directions. Turns out the village was in the town at the bottom of the hill and there were no underground tunnels. The village was also still in use with shops n that. Should probably start reading these directions more often.
I climbed on the rocks for a bit then went back down to my car. The ticket guy wasn't as easily fooled as i had hoped and id got a fine. Fortunately I'm not going to pay it.
Then i went to a toilet to fill up my water bottle with what looked like a water fountain or weird sink. Then i realised it was a urinal, with for some reason, a tap on it. Can't have good days every day. 

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