Sunday, 7 May 2017

Puig Carlit 2921m

Puig Carlit is one of the 37 most prominent peaks of France, it has a prominence of 1001m.
I'd finally got used to these unclear French paths and was not getting lost as often. Didn't matter anyway because id got a new GPS app which shows the paths. It even has a feature where it beeps if you go the wrong way. But i turn that off because it will be beeping every time i go to climb a cool rock.
The weather was supposed to be clear today but it was pretty cloudy. Really windy as well.
Nearly got blown off a ledge taking this photo.
I don't know if its always windy down here but in the Alps there was almost no wind at all.
There wasn't much snow in the car park so i thought id be able to get far up. Walking up the mountain, there was gradually more and more snow. I still thought id be able to get to the top.
I walked through sparsely dotted conifers and several large ponds which were partially frozen. Then there was this really steep snow covered slope, didn't even think for a second that would be the way up. But it was. By the amount of foot prints and ski marks, Looked like plenty of people had gone up there aswell. I was a few hundred metres from.the top. It was still very early in the day and the snow was still frozen solid so there was no chance of me climbing up.
The way up is that strip of snow in the middle.

There was a couple behind me so i stopped for something to eat, to let them over take me and see what they did. They had the same idea :/ They were waving their ice axes at me. Not sure if they were mocking my inadequate gear or warning me. People always appear really shocked when they see some guy wandering through a glacier in falling apart trainers and £1 Chinese sunglasses. When they are kitted to the teeth with all special gear and donkeys and that.
You don't need expensive equipment to do this. An ice axe would have helped a lot but i probably could have whittled something up if id had the time.
If you sit down for too long, you get a dead leg.
So i wandered off to see if i could find another way up. I started crawling up a rocky scree slope. It was pretty difficult cos every step up, i just slid down and i thought the effort wasn't worth no chance of getting to the top.
Wasn't that bothered because im used to being stopped by snow now. I'm jus gonna have to come back in July next year.
On the way back some woman asked if id seen her dog. I knew what she said and how to reply but i still asked if she knew English. She knew a bit but didn't know the word for brown. It had ran past me not long ago, was stoppin for no one.

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