Monday, 29 May 2017

Dieppe - Last day and Ferry

I parked up in Dieppe not far from the coast. It was quite a busy area, must have been part of a coastline walk.
Soon i needed a poo so i had to go out and look for a bush. There were still a fair few people about so i didn't want to go to a bush too close to the path in case someone's dog or kids ran in while i was squeezin it out. Eventually i had to climb half way down a grassy bank, by the edge of a cliff. There were actually wild strawberries growing here which was pretty cool but i was kinda distracted by more urgent matters. I crawled through some brambles into the bush. It was kinda awkward cause it was on a slope. I got it done without anyone seeing which is the main thing.
I was woken up in the middle of the night by someone knocking on my window. I thought it was probably the police. I'd nearly managed to go a whole two months without a single encounter and they get me on the last night! I just ignored them and they went away.
Then only a few minutes later they came back. Wtf. I looked out the window and it wasn't the police. It was jus two random guys, one in his 20s and the other one coulda been almost 40. They said 'hello my friend' a couple times. They didn't sound French. Then they said bonjour and i definitely knew they weren't french. Not only because of the accent but it was about 12 am.
I thought they probably just want money or something. I'd gone the whole trip without using any cash, only card. So i didn't have any.
Then one of them noticed my trainers under me van. I don't keep them inside cos they stink. He started pulling them out from under the van. I nearly jumped out at this point but they are old and falling apart so wasnt that bothered.
They walked off with them. But then i remembered im going to a festival as soon as i get back and my other trainers are decent so don't wanna wreck them.
I decided to drive after them. Almost immediately i saw my trainers on the road. I'm surprised they managed to hang on to them for that long to be honest.
Then right at the end of my head light beams i could see a group of them sitting on a bench. I went to get my trainers, i'm also completely naked because the past week its been too hot at night. I had to walk infront of the head lights and i could see them lookin over. "Oh look its stinkin trainers naked guy, come to get his stinkin trainers."
Then i jus drove into town and parked somewhere else.

The next day I got the ferry. I went to sit down on my own by a window. I had been drawing on my tablet for nearly an hour before the ferry even started moving.
But jus before it started, a woman with two kids came and asked if they could sit here. I said it was ok, but it wasnt really.
I don't like kids cos they don't know how to mind their own bidnis. One of them was sitting opposite me on the table watching me draw. Gradually getting closer and closer. Pretty soon he was leaning so far over, his head covering the view of my screen and his hair was in my mouth.

Luckily the mother could see me getting distressed and moved or they could have caught a whiff of my trainers, who knows.

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