Saturday, 6 May 2017

Route á Puig Carlit

I was gonna stop at a hyper Carrefour on the way, which is like a big Asda. I took me to this small old town which was weird cos they are usually on the edge of big towns.
I couldn't park anywhere near it because this town was really old and it had really narrow alleyways which i didn't want to drive down. This town was so old, some of the houses were made from stones.
A lot of houses were for sale because i think no one wants to live there. I couldn't believe places like this still existed. I was expecting to see horses and carts goin down the road.
There was no Carrefour here either. Another one of those weird google maps errors.
I went to Netto instead. It was a lot cheaper than the big chains, don't know why i never went here before. They sell fuel sometimes aswell. Also beef and baked beans in a tin! How did Netto fail in the UK playing cards like this?! Probably because it tasted like crap. I had cleaned my pan yesterday aswell so the taste can't be blamed on week old Bourginion.
Id only jus got used to the warm nights now its back into the mountains. My old friend the steep and winding road. Probably the only thing i hate about driving in France. You are in 2nd or 3rd, constantly turning. Its barely straight for a few seconds and this could last for a hour. There are hardly any barriers at the side of the road and its only down hill from there. The road its always really smooth though. There is nothing comparable to this in the UK.
I turned off the main road and took the road up to the first car park. One of the differences between UK mountains is, the road to the mountain car park, only goes to the mountain car park and it could take an hour to get there. When you leave, you have to go all the way back down the same road before you can go anywhere else.
When i got to the first car park, the barrier was open! This usually indicates there is less snow. It also means i can drive to the second car park, taking two hours off my walking time! The road up was perfectly smooth as well unlike the usual jagged stream bed.
I hardly saw any snow on the way but but a bit at the top car park.
There was a resivoir at the car park.
Went for a wander round. I saw this pool in a creek. It looked like there was a dead frog at the bottom but then i realised it was just a pile of sticks. Then i realised it was actually a knot of toads. I fished it out. There were three males latched onto a female. Who was well dead. Felt like she'd been dead a while. 
That one guy at the end holding onto her leg is hilarious.

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