Monday, 15 May 2017

Cirque De Gavarnie

The Pyrénées is a horizontal mountain range stretching from the west coast of France and Spain to the east coast. You can't drive through it from west to east. From the French side, you have to drive north out of the mountains, move west or east, then back down south into the mountains again.
I was driving through a section of road that had a sign saying it is closed for part of the year. Theres a town at the end of the road called Gavarnie. This means that during the winter, this town is completely cut off to the outside world. For like 4-5 months. Maybe longer. It's the middle of May and theres still snow here.
The town reminded me of a Welsh seaside town aswell, even though we are hundreds of kilometres from the sea.
I drove into a car park and noticed a sign saying 5€. An old woman on a bike scuttled over and started doing laps of my car like a hungry dog. I restarted my engine and made a hasty retreat.
All the car parks in town cost money. I ended up driving out of town to park. This added 40 minutes to my walk. To save 5€. Some people woulda just paid it. I don't have any cash anyway.
Apart from the amazing views thats all i have to say about this place. The walk was pretty good. Only got lost twice for a few minutes. Very busy on the way back but i found another way with almost no people.
Got caught off guard taking an arms out photo. They were probably wondering why that guy was standing with his arms out. But quickly came to the most logical conclusion that it is to show that he's been there.
Cause honestly when i tell people they don't believe me.
Pretending i'm not taking a photo.

This water looks so tempting to jump into but it would reduce your life expectancy to minutes.

This guy again, pretending he's a rock. What a joker.

I don't stick my arms out anymore to create a more meaningful shot.

Can you spot the path?

Only joking, i still stick my arms out. Wheeey!!

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