Monday, 10 October 2016


My spork broke again. The first time i just ductaped it back together. Didnt last long before it snapped into three pieces.
Tried finishing my dinner with a honey jar lid. Added a new dimension of flavour to my tinned cabbage and rice but didn't quite cut it as an eating utensil.
This time i decided to jus whittle a new spoon.
After about 5 minutes of frantic whittling i realised this is not gonna get finished before my dinner goes cold.
So i decided to split the end of a stick and wedge the broken spoon into the end like an arrow head. Then hold it in place with a cable tie. Ingenuity at its finest.
It was only barely usable, when the spoon didnt fall off and have to scoop it out me dinner. I persisted with this scenario every day for a week until i finally decided to buy the new spoon.
I've never been so relieved to own a spoon. It made eating my dinner so much easier.
Never take spoons for granted.

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