Tuesday, 25 October 2016

My mates the Gendarmerie

In Britain, as long as you're off the road and not on private land, thats classed as legally parked.
However in France im still confused as to where i can park. I'm constantly being hassled by the police, "what are you doing here?", "are you on the run from the UK?" "You cant park here" etc etc.
The first time it happened i was in a farmers field. Which is understandable but he was more concerned that i was lost and didn't even ask me to leave.
The second time i was in a lay by in the middle of nowhere. Some dude peers in through my window. People do this a lot and it pisses me off.
About a hour later the police turn up. "Are you on the run from the UK", "why dont you sleep in a hotel?" How hard is it to understand that some people live in a van?
At this point i did some research on where i can park. Turns out there are designated sites for campervans. Great i'll stay there. Download the app. Dont even have to look on maps for places.
So first night in "Aires de Camping-Cars". Everyone else had massive proper campervans. Theres me in me little berlingo parked in a bay twice as wide.
The next morning, bloody Gendarmerie again! "You cant park here!" "Camping cars only" Mate its got a bed in it. I camp in it. Camping car.
So from this i gathered i can only park in car parks. Which is alright because there are loads of them and nearly always free outside of a city.
A lot of the aires sites cost money in the south and i did follow someone through the barrier without paying once.
So i parked in a car park in a nature reserve, which in Britain are guaranteed hassle free zones.
The next morning there was this guy shiftily walking back and forth past my van. One of my side windows was open a bit. He cant see in cos if the window tints. As he went to peer in i put my eyes right infront of the gap. Absolutely filled his pants haha.
Then later a bloody forest ranger turns up saying i cant sleep here. Even though i slept in a bin (read earlier post).
The next night i was going to another aires de campingcars but it was another bloody paid one. So i found a carpark near by and parked there.
Bout midnight i woke up with people shining torches in my windows. Bloody Gendarmerie again. I was sick of em by this point so jus ignored them and hoped they go away. Which they did. Then made a hastily retreat in the morning. Even though it was absolutely sloshin down, thunder and lihtning and could barely see the road.
I don't know why i get hassled by the police so much, I think they must have told every police force in the entire country that I'm here and they've been monitoring me.
That is the only explanation.

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