Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Mont Guillaume et Pointe 2643, Embrun

Today I walked up Mont Guillaume and some adjacent summits. I parked near the top with the intention of starting first thing in the morning.
When i woke up i decided to see if i could drive closer. Couldn't really see out the windscreen because it was half frozen and still dark. There was no one about and i wasnt even on a proper road. Probably the most bumpy road ive ever driven on.
Found somewhere to park and had dinner. As it got light i noticed the road was actually a river bed. That explains all the rocks.
I started the ascent. From looking at maps i had a vague idea of which way to go. But that didn't take into account the barely visible path and electric fences all over the place. As well as the hundreds of frozen cow pats and cows with bells round their necks. I think this isnt a regularly walked route.
After some slight directional confusion i discovered some more defined paths. Even signs. There was a sign with a picture of a guy climbing up a cliff with a rope so i thought id go that way.
It wasnt too long before i could hear some wolves. Was quite surprised there'd be wolves round here. They seemed to be getting closer the more i walked. Bloody great. I'm gonna get killed by wolves. I thought it wasn't really worth turning back just to avoid getting eaten by wolves so i carried on.
Turns out it was jus a load of people with guns and dogs.
They were walking up the steepest path id ever seen which goes pretty much straight up the mountain. Looks like a vehicle path but i have no idea what vehicle could go up there without tipping.
I got to a stream with some cool ice formations. There was also a little chapel like thing.

I was out of the forest now and walking up cold rocky terrain. Patches of snow had started to appear. There was also a lot of poo with berries across this mountain. Some of it had so many berries it was bright red. It wasn't deer poo, more like cat poo but couldn't figure out what it was from.
Nearly at the top now. Decided to take a short cut. Totally paid off. Looking down I could see the route i would have took and think i jus saved half an hour. Could have easily got completely lost though.
At the top of Guillaume there was another chapel. There seem to be a lot of these about. Dont really fancy walking all the way up here just for the sunday service.
There were some cool views. Saw the road I drove to get here. Looks like a tiny squiggle from up here.

Walked across a few adjacent peaks. Was quite windy and my hands and face went numb very quickly.
On my way down i was on a south facing slope which was considerably warmer but still not far off zero. Surprisingly a lot of crickets way up here.
The way down was a lot more straight forward. Its just down isnt it. Amazes me how people get lost going down.
Obviously had to stop several times to look for cool rocks to fill my bag. Don't want it to be too easy.
I remebered a serious lack of cliffs going up and had a closer look at these signs on the way down. Turns out, the guy going up a cliff with a rope, was actually a guy holding a ski.
As i got closer to the bottom i could feel my knees wearing away. The rocks aren't even worth it yano. Always chuck a few out when i get to me van because they dont stand up. Which is the final evaluation of every rock.
The cow pats at the bottom had now defrosted. I was wondering if the only way to get a decent cross section of a cow pat would be to smash a frozen one. If you cut a fresh one with a knife, i imagine it would just squidge like cutting a soft brownie or somthing. Surely there is someone whos taken this further than a thought.

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