Monday, 17 October 2016

Like a bear

In 2006 i never would have thought that ten years later i would have got lost so many times going for a poo. Go for a little walk to find a decent bush. Once i've successfully avoided pooing on my own shoes, i realise i can't remember which direction i came from.
Wild poos are really quite common here aswell.
In France its not jus their dogs that poo everywhere. Its people too. Theyre not even discrete about it. Ive seen whole families jus squatting in a line at the side of the road. Passing the toilet roll like a doobie.
But on the other hand, poo has also helped me find my way.
When im out walking, the paths aren't always clearly marked and often disappear. Occasionally im greeted by a pile of tissues and human excrement. This tells me ive wandered off the path slightly.
Some places it was more than just occasionally. Went on a walk through Verdon Gorge. It was bloody everywhere. Every corner, every little alcove. The path couldn't have been more clear.
Saw this really cool cave and ran into it excitedly. Full of poo. It should of been called Turdon Gorge.

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