Sunday, 9 October 2016

Mont Chamechaude

Went up my first alpine mountain today. Technically the Pre-Alps but its still the Alps. Not really sure what the name means but chaud means hot.
Got there a lot later than i inteded and couldn't park as close as i expected so that added maybe an extra hour to the walk but that was ok at this point.
The first bit was steep, surprisingly a lot steeper than it looked on a flat two dimensional map. I couldn't really be bothered saying bonjour to everyone on the way up cos it was Saturday and quite busy. So i decided to go off the path and through a forest. Which was even steeper. Hands and knees steep. Had to take several breaks. Think i rushed too much at the start.
Then it opened up through some meadows and scree slopes. Still bloody steep. Heard some dogs so thought maybe im near a path cos i could really do with a path right now.
The dogs came and went with no one following them and no path. I think they were hunting dogs.
Eventually i saw some people on a path. Looked like they were wondering why i was walking up a really steep bit and not the path.
Saw this really cool big rock and had a climb up it. I was definitely nearer the top than the bottom now. But as soon as id got onto the path id lost it again.

The next bit involved climbing up some cliffs. I'm sure it wasn't supposed to but i hadn't seen a path for a while and that way was up.
Climbed up the first set of cliffs. Beginning to think this was a bad idea.
On the next set of cliffs i saw an Ibex! Obviously i couldn't take a photo because id lose my three points, it scuttled off before i could have got my camera out my pocket anyway. Probably silently laughing at my cliff scaling inadequacies.

That was pretty cool but now i was thinking am i gonna get up and down before its dark. I nearly turned back a few times. It was 17:30 now. I kept thinking, i'll jus do a bit more.
Then eventually after many bit mores i persevered and got to the top. It felt amazing and i still had a few hours light left.

From the top i could see clearly the path to the bottom it looked so easy and navigable, i'm glad i went the hard way.
About half way down i saw a toilet. This is the first toilet ive seen on my travels and surprised for it to be half way up a mountain and made from breeze blocks and a plank. Didn't need a poo but i might have used it for the novelty of it.

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