Friday, 21 April 2017

Rocher du Vent 2360m

This is Rocher du Vent from Lac de Roselend.
Had another bad sleep due to the cold and sleeping on a slope. Got up pretty late, must have been around 8. Didn't get to the mountain car park till about 10 aswell. Actually i didn't get there at all.
When i was about 10 minutes away, there was a sign in the road saying, "road closed for winter". It's the 21st of April? I actually later found out that in the Alps, April is still winter.
There were a few cars parked by it so i thought id jus have to walk the rest again.
Another car turned up so i watched what they did. They hesitated a bit but drove through anyway. I thought id follow them. For some reason i thought i'd just be able to drive all the way up to the car park. Don't know why, based on everything thats happened this week.
Oh look more snow and about 20 other cars who all had the same idea. At least that short drive probably saved me half an hour of walking.
At this pointed i noticed my boots were still wet from yesterday. Actually they weren't wet. They were frozen. Please note for the rest of this walk, i am wearing old falling apart trainers.
Started walking up the snow covered road and there was actually a dude skiing down the road.

Probably took less than half an hour to reach the base of the mountain. But when i got there, there was no sign of any path, sign posts, foot prints, nothin.
I jus wandered over the snow. Saw a marmot again. Got close enough for a decent photo this time. I say decent, it's a lot better than my previous ones but it still looks like a rock.
I saw a refuge so jus headed towards that. On the way i saw a disused ski lift wire so i had to do a mission impossible across it.
The refuge was mainly locked again but the room i could get into was somehow full of snow.
Then i saw a sign. One way said Rocher du Vent and the other way said something different to where i was supposed to be going, so i went that way.
This mountain had regular large rocky outcrops which were good to climb up. No where near the top and the arms are already out.
After lots of messin about and losing the path loads i was nearly at the bottom of the cliff. This was a huge cliff going up the rest of the mountain. I was amazed at what i saw. It was kind of like an outdoor climbing wall. There was a big sign next to it saying something about you might die if you dont use climbing equipment.
I climbed up what looked like nearly half way and i could really feel the 'du Vent' part. Luckily there was a chicken out point. I don't think it was supposed to be that but there was no way i was climbing back down.  See if you can find me.

I carried on walking up the mountain. There was a lot more snow near the top but at least it wasn't frozen so i could walk through it. In trainers as well. Which were soaked by now but it was like 20 degrees so not cold.

That speck in the middle is me.
Id lost all sight of a path or even human foot prints. There were a lot of animal foot prints. Mainly marmots but also ibex, fox and even mouse foot prints.
I had to climb up a lot of snow to get to the top. But this was another tourist top.
I noticed i could re join the climbing bit. This was the only way to get to the actual top.

This is a panorama from the top.

On the way down i saw someone on the road at the bottom of the valley, looked like they were pointing which way i should go. Did kind of look like i was going the wrong way. Which i was. I think they were trying to direct me away from the river. My trainers were soakin so i jus walked through it anyway.
Then they walked over to me and i thought they were gonna tell me my cars on fire. Whenever i can't see my car, i always think it's on fire.
She asked me something in French and i told i was English. So she asked me again, replacing the words i knew with English words and the rest still in French. So i gave her my phone with the translate app and asked her to type it in. Which she did with the same mixture of French and English... So i translated the French bits. She just wanted to know where somewhere was. Sorry lady i can't help you.
The amount of times people have asked me where something is. Does the fact that i'm English not tell you that i'm probably not gonna know?! I don't even know where i am half the time. In between my car and a the top of the mountain.

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