Thursday, 20 April 2017

Aiguille Croche et Mont Joly 2525m

Didn't sleep very well because i kept thinking i was gonna wake up, while sliding into the ravine. Not to mention it was -4 degrees, which I've slept in a few times but its uncomfortable. If someone said to me, "Hey dya wanna go somewhere thats -4 degrees and sleep?" I'd say no. But for some reason i keep doing it.
Id estimated the extra walking was gonna add an extra 1.5 hours to the walk, actually 1.7 because id forgot my sunglasses and had to walk back. You'd be screwed without sunglasses here. It's so sunny and the reflection off the snow is blinding.
Along the walk up the road, there were sections that had no snow on them which made it kind of annoying those odd lumps setting me back so far.
Nearer the end of the road it was just pure snow. This is actually a road believe it or not.
I was nearly at the café at the base of the mountain, which had a self service bar. That's my kinda bar!
When i got there i was surprised to see the whole thing was a ski resort. There was people skiing all over the place. Everything was covered in snow and ski slopes. Couldn't even see any kind of path.
What i could see though was Mont Blanc, the largest mountain in France. Which for some reason was kinda underwhelming.
I could see the top of Aiguille Croche so i just started heading in that direction. It looked like i could just walk up the edge of the mountain, along the side of the ski slope most of the way. The slope was a fairly shallow gradient, compared to what ive been used to and fresh snow fell last night so i didn't just slide down. I jus took a gentle plod up missing out was probably would have been another steep and winding path. for the first time the snow has actually helped! Actually flew up this part. There mayswell have been an escalator.
As i was walking up. I kinda got the feeling i wasnt supposed to be walking here. Like it was still open as a ski resort and not open to walkers. Like many of the mountains ive been up, there was no one else walking. No foot prints either. I carried on anyway.
Eventually it led to a steep grassy hill which did have a steep winding path on it. At the top of that i could see a fence, then i was quite sure i wasnt supposed to be here.
When i got to the fence there was just another ski slope and i think it was just to stop skiers careering of the edge to their death.
Also near this bit i saw.some marmots. They were alot bigger than i was expecting. Nearly as bit as a cat. But ran down their burrows before i could get a decent photo. Like most alpine creatures,  they see you first and make some kind of alarm call. Usually sounds like someone sneezing. Then they scatter like they got a clutch on a magnum.
That honestly is the best photo i could get. Not quite BBC quality i know.
After this bit of slope there was another steep winding path up a grassy hill then i was at the top.
Obligatory arms out photo.
It took less than three hours to get to the top. Even with the extra walking. I think the escalator definitely helped.
The other side of the mountain was an extremely steep face.
With a ridge going along to Mont Joly. A chuck of the middle was completely covered in frozen snow. I attempted to walk across it. Sticking to the less steep side. Me bacon buttys weren't havin it. Wouldn't have been that bad if i fell because i would have jus slid into the ski resort.
Dont know how i would have got back without walking straight through the slopes, dodging the skiiers and getting foot prints on their fresh powder.

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