Friday, 30 June 2017

Ben Nevis and Carn Mor Dearg

Ben Nevis is the Highest Mountain in Scotland and the UK. Carn Mor Dearg means 'great red peak' and is the 9th Highest in Scotland.
I took the tourist route up Ben Nevis and it was pretty busy. I went up quite quickly to avoid the tourists only taking about 2.5 hrs. It was pretty much an escalator.
At the top it was the usual complete fog, visibility only a few metres. Freezing as well, there was still snow up here.
I was gonna go along a ridge to Carn Mor Dearg but because it was so foggy it took ages to find the thing.
There was supposed to be a route down from it but couldn't find that either.
Eventually i emerged from the cloud layer. It's always a relief to lose the uncertain feeling that i might get lost and die of hypothermia and starvation.
Then i met this sheep. They warn you about feeding meat to sheep cos people feed them ham butties then they get a taste for meat and sometimes attack and eat people.

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