Wednesday, 3 August 2016

New Forest

Living in a van is quite weird actually. Im in a car park. The last car has just left, except mine. They are probably all going home to their houses. But im staying here and going to sleep. Then ill wake up and still be here.
Im always home. Home is where the cars parked.
Earlier today i got lost because i went for a poo and forgot to mark on a map where id parked.
Didn't really matter though. As long as it takes less than three days to get back. Which it probably wouldn't. I never feel lost.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Kimmeridge and the Fossil Hunter

This morning i went for a poo and fell backwards into a red ants nest.
Now i know what it means to have ants in your pants.

I'd decided to go to a waterfall in Kimmeridge, I was nearly there an i noticed a car parking charges sign. But before i had a chance to turn round, a little old woman ran out of a shack with a ticket. "That'll be five pounds please!"
I could see the person behind me doing a three pointer.
I reluctantly dipped into my tin of coins and watched her as she counted it. What dont you trust me?!
She asked if i'd been here before. Well obviously not cos i woulda parked down the road.
She told me a bit about the place and said i could stay until 10pm.
Dont you worry pal! Ive just paid 5 quid to get in, 9:59 ill still be here!
So i drove down to the beach. Seeing as id paid i was gonna get as close as possible. Front wheels were in the sea.

So i go for a walk. Turns out the place i originally wanted to go, is miles away.
Ive got all day mayswell walk there.
For some reason, when i was close to my van and realised it was miles away, i didn't go back to get water.
I'd been walking for about an hour and had become quite thirsty in this hot weather. Didn't want a repeat of the other week so i found an empty bottle and collected some water that was dribbling down a cliff. Didn't drink too much incase there was a dead sheep in it or somthin. Its happened before..

Something that i've been trying to do is say hello to people. Id been walking along this shore line for about 2 hours now and i saw my first person.
Now this guy wasn't your regular lookin guy. If you've ever seen the fossil hunter from Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire in the desert bit, this is him.
Also at this point id reached an area where the cliff meets the shore and thought id have to wade through it. But then this guy jus scuttled over some rocks. I said hello to him, then completely by accident i said somthing extra. Don't know why i did it. Maybe i was in a good mood.
Couldn't have gone worse, he thought id initiated a conversation. Then he said somthin as he was staring out to sea, but i didn't hear what he'd said. I didn't really know what to say, i didnt have any pokémon, so jus walked off.
As i got round the cliff the waterfall was right there. I was gonna walk straight back once id got here. Now im gonna have to hang around for a bit until hes further down the beach. So i played with a dead seagull and made a dam out of big rocks. Probably shouldn't have done any heavy lifting seeing as i was two hours from my van and only had a little bit of stream water to drink and it was bloody hot!

As i got closer to where id parked i saw this funny lookin boat close to shore. Kinda looked like a mini motorboat with a roof. There was a group of people staring at it aswell.
It was my bloody van wasn't it.
Forgot about the tide coming in. Luckily since loads of people were down there with their boats, a guy pulled it to shore with his landrover.